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About our School

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3 B's

Sunnymead's PBIS reward program is aligned with our school-wide three B's  behavior expectations that are incorporated in daily morning announcements.

Be safe 

Be respectful and kind

Be responsible



                                            We are shining stars!



Our goal at Sunnymead Elementary is to provide an enriching, engaging, and challenging curriculum that will prepare students for success while at Sunnymead Elementary and for the years that follow. We believe that students, parents, and teachers all play a vital role in helping students reach their greatest potential.

Our students' social emotional learning is a top priority at Sunnymead. Behavioral expectations are implemented, monitored, and evaluated following the “Positive Behavior Intervention and Support” (PBIS) research-based process. Sunnymead  school-wide PBIS Rewards Program works to incentivize students' good choices and behavior with a point system where students can shop an online student store for prizes.

Sunnymead Shinning star logo

Dual Language Immersion

Sunnymead Elementary offers the Dual Language Immersion Program in English and Spanish. The goal of this bilingual program is for students to become bilingual, bi-literate, and bicultural. In the 90/10 model, students entering Kindergarten are taught in the target language which is Spanish  90% of the  time and 10% in English. As students move up in grades, there is a decrease in the Spanish instruction while the English instruction increases until 5th grade.

Who We Serve

Sunnymead  Elementary proudly serves 677 students from TK-5th grade. 

Student Group Number Percentage
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 627 92.6%
Emergent Bilinguals
(English Learners)
268 39.6%
Students with Disabilities 64 9.5%
Students in Foster Care 6 0.9%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools. 

Ethnicity Number Percentage
African American 44 6.5%
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 0.0%
Asian 8 1.2%
Filipino 3 0.4%
Hispanic or Latino 584 86.3%
Pacific Islander 7 1.0%
White 18 2.7%
Two or More Races 5 0.7%
Not Reported 8 1.2%

*These numbers reflect the 2023-2024 report on Dataquest. DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools.